8 AM – 4 PM

Monday - Friday

1001 Morentown Rd

London, KY 40741

8 AM – 4 PM

Monday - Friday

1001 Morentown Rd

London, KY 40741

Non Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal

Our pharmaceutical waste disposal program offers customers a simple, compliant, cost effective solution for non-hazardous (non-RCRA) pharmaceutical waste disposal.

The disposal of pharmaceuticals and their components are regulated by federal and local regulations or laws. Understanding which regulations apply to you may depend on your type of business, your volume of waste and the specific type of wastes generated.

Secure Stream will help you determine what category the drugs you are working with fall into, prepare all the required regulatory paperwork to ensure proper disposal under the law and then transport them to an EPA-approved treatment facility for destruction. Secure Stream makes properly managing your pharmaceuticals simple and worry free.

Secure Stream is not permitted for transport or disposal of RCRA Hazardous waste or controlled substances, however we do work with multiple vendors who are able to provide this service to our clients.

CALL TODAY and see how Secure Stream can save your facility on disposal costs. 606-729-0072
